Friday, April 27, 2012

NFL Draft Analysis

As you may have heard, the NFL Draft has started. I hate it. The big fuss is ridiculous. Yeah it's cool to see these kids realize their dreams, but come on people, lets be rational. Is Andrew Luck going to succeed this season in Indy? Nope. What about RGIII in Washington? Nuh uh. Think about it, last year's number 1 overall pick lead his team to a 6-10 record. Was he impressive? Absolutely, but they were a sub-.500 team. Not exactly exciting stuff.

My biggest issue with the draft is by far the mock drafts. How many talking heads do we need to tell us which team is taking who and why and how they'll fit in and blah blah blah. It's incredibly ridiculous. Don't get me started on Mel Kiper Jr. either. If there is one person I cannot stand that works for ESPN it's him. I'd rather listen to Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith argue about the NBA than listen to Mel Kiper Jr. tell me why the Redskins need a new QB. We all know why. Because the last 15 or so that played there sucked.

I won't go into draft busts, we all know how bad Ryan Leaf, Jamarcus Russell, and Matt Leinart have been. But I did see one incredible stat on Thursday. The Miami Dolphins have drafted 15 quarterbacks since 2000. That right there tells you how stupid the draft is. Oh, and they drafted another one tonight, Ryan Tannenhill, in the first round. You would think out of all the ridiculousness of the combine and private workouts they would've drafted halfway decent starter. Nope. It's all the luck of the draw. I mean think of it this way. Tom Brady was drafted 199th in 2000. Too bad the Dolphins took Todd Wade, Ben Kelly, Tyrone Carter, Arturo Freeman, and Ernest Grant before the 199th pick. Those guys all had better careers than Brady has had. Derp.

I guess my biggest beef with the draft is the amount of coverage it gets. To be honest, 5 years from now, aside from a very small group of guys, no one will ever hear the names of the rest of the players who are drafted. The endless hours of analysis are completely unnecessary. Am I happy for each and every player who gets drafted? Absolutely. I cannot imagine the thrill they must feel along with their families. I just wish it wasn't so commercialized.

All that being said, I'm freakin' stoked my Cowboys traded up to draft Morris Claiborne. Secondary help is exactly what they need. It's not like he scored a 4 on his Wonderlic or anything........

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